When you decide to live the entrepreneurial lifestyle the most important asset you will ever have is the reputation you carry. Building and retaining trust is the method in maintaining the prestigious reputation you have created.
This is the major requirement when it comes to conducting business. Trust also is important in personal lives as well. With out trust it is very difficult to build genuine credibility, let alone provide loans or investments. Often trust is given unless there is a reason not to trust, or there was a reason to lose trust. Even if you are forgiven for some unsightly mishap, there will still be an ounce of doubt when it comes to trusting.
When it comes to credibility, if you have it then you are well aware of the importance of remaining credible. Going above and beyond to maintain the trust that you have gained over time. If you would like to continue to remain credible there are 6 habits to steer clear of. It only takes one of these bad habits to leave those around you with a bad taste in their mouth and possibly loses all interest in you or your business.
6 Bad Habits of Entrepreneurs include:
Leaving Others Hanging
When it comes to business or active consumers, the last thing that one should do is lack communication. Following up with others is a necessity. If you are unable to follow up personally due to a lack of time it is imperative to find an employee that is well trusted to take care of these obligatory tasks. Ensure that all issues are handled quickly and with care.
Lying Only To Be Nice
Honesty truly is the best policy. Lies are generally revealed over time, and once they are revealed it creates other problems. These problems will cause others that have come into contact with you to question everything that you have ever said. Even genuine statements will be seen as a lie. When advising others it is best to address concerns in a kind tone, providing criticism without seeming too harsh.
That will allow for growth instead of false hope. Praising another when there is no reason to praise will lead them to believe they are working well and leave no room for improvement.
Over Promising and Under Delivering
Those with credibility do not over promise what they know is undeliverable. Having optimism is great. Do not allow optimism to get in the way of reality. When optimism gets the best of you and now there is false hope being strung with no possibility of these expectations being fulfilled your credibility will have decreased. Consider all risks and properly research any venture you plan on taking on. Keep your expectations realistic, when conveying to others provides modest explanations.
Speaking In Absolutes
All. Every. Always. Never. Nothing. No one. Everyone. Absolutes are common in conversation, but rarely used when it comes to business. There is no way of knowing these absolutes. Theories and guesses are best, and used more often than absolutes. If by chance an absolute statement was used and then it fails this will tarnish credibility.
When making statements it would be better suited to use words such as some, most, nearly, usually, almost, and may. These words are not as finite as an absolute and provide a margin for error if necessary.
Speaking Without Listening
When having a conversation it is very easy to tell if the other party is engaged in the conversation, or if they are too consumed with what they will say next. Those with credibility genuinely consider what is being said, and then responds accordingly. It is important to have a two-way conversation to allow for others to feel truly heard.
If others perceive a falsehood in your communication losing credibility is not the only thing that will occur. Others will choose to no longer communicate with you. Coming off as selfish and self-centered rarely allows one to move up in the world.
Saying Yes To Everything and Everyone
Saying yes is not always a good thing. When one is asked to do a multitude of tasks the last thing you should do it to add more tasks to your already growing list of things to do. Some have a hard time saying no and others have a hard time saying yes, it is important to learn the balance and prioritize such tasks. If you become to overload with things to do there is a great chance you will let down more than a few people who may be depending on you.
This is a sure fire way to lose any credibility you may have. Those with credibility understand that their time is important as well as energy they may have to put into one task. Preserving their mental capacities for time worthy tasks is important for those with credibility.
There may be a time or two where a mistake may be unintentionally made; those mistakes may not destroy your credibility entirely. The best thing to do is to attempt t not making such grave mistakes. Be open as well as genuine and all things should fall into place.