If an easy, happy life is top of most people’s agenda, why are so few around the world truly happy and contented? We are wealthier than ever, we are more connected and we can travel to all corners of the earth if we so wish. Life shouldn’t have to be a constant struggle to stay on top of your emotions and your mood. If everything seems difficult in your life on both a small and large scale, don’t worry; you are by no means alone. The good news is that you can turn things around for the better and start to focus on the path towards true happiness. Here are the three most common reasons you are not experiencing the happiness you deserve and what you can do to change your life:
It’s All Too Much
You may feel that your life is spiraling out of control and that you simply have too much to do or too many stresses to deal with. Helplessness is a scary feeling, and the more you worry about everything you need to do, the worse the feeling gets. Your energy levels and motivation to complete even the simplest of tasks plummet, and you are unable to focus on one thing at a time. Everything you do becomes mediocre and last minute, and you end up banging your head against a brick wall.
The way to deal with this is stop for a moment and take stock of your situation. This way, you can prioritize important tasks and break them down into manageable chunks. Accept that you will need to forget about some projects for a while, and you may even need to reduce your social hours or non-essential activities, just until you get your head above water. Making small inroads into a task is better than trying to battle through it in one go.
Reward yourself as you go, and gradually feel the burden lift from your shoulders. Make a firm note in your mind to say “No” more often, whether at work or at home. You are no good to anybody if you overwhelmed.
You’re Not Focusing On Things You Enjoy
Happiness is living life to the full and choosing to do what you truly want to do. Of course, there will be times when chores or other less fun tasks take priority; this is a normal part of everyday living. However, when you are faced with the bigger decisions, such as your career path, make sure you target something you are passionate about and want to pursue. Far too many people resign themselves to simply getting by, and it’s only later in life that they realize how much precious time they wasted stuck in a dead-end job or doing their social duty with people they neither liked nor respected. We are not on this planet for long! Make sure you seize every opportunity to enjoy yourself, both at work and home.
You’re Not Letting Go
Being too serious is a major setback on your journey to happiness. Sure, there are unpleasant things that you have to deal with, and these shouldn’t be taken lightly. However, far too many people view everything in life as deadly serious: daily chores, work, family commitments, even things that are supposed to be fun, such as organizing social events and doing hobbies.
The solution? Let go and take a step back from your serious mindset. In all likelihood, you will immediately discover that the things you were worrying about aren’t nearly as bad as you thought. See the positive in every situation, and learn to laugh at the absurdity of life.
Focus more about your state of mind and less about what other people might think of you. If you come across judgmental attitudes as you change your life for the better, realize that these unhappy people are in even more need of help than you! There will always be people offering their negative opinions; respectfully ignore them and don’t let them drag you down.
These three obstacles to a happy and fulfilling life can easily be overcome with a few simple changes. Simplify your daily schedule, focus on the things that make you feel alive and stop taking yourself so seriously! Once this is achieved, you will feel like a different person.