Comfortable people are usually content with where they are in life. Sure, great job, a nice house are a wonderful thing to have, but is that all you want out of life? Living paycheck-to-paycheck or even settling for less than mediocre salary. The only way to truly be successful is to remove your mind from where you are comfortable and take risks. This is not a normal attribute by any means. It is human nature to attain self-preservation. Albeit being content is not a bad way to live, but it is not the only way to live your life.
Entrepreneurs fall into two separate categories, successful and unsuccessful.
The latter of the two tend to give up when things become tough, or risky. If you truly desire to be successful, it is imperative that you venture on a path less taken and paves the way to your vision. Constantly pushing yourself and testing your mental strength to achieve the goals you have set in front of you. The path to success is far from comfortable; it can be downright terrifying.
Growth will only occur if you are willing to face the awkwardness, rejection, and failure.
Trying new things and not getting it right the first time is a given. No one can become a master at anything only having tried it once. Natural talent for something is an advantage, but it will take practice to hone skills necessary for success. The willingness to move from the known to the unknown is what successful entrepreneurs must learn.
If you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards.
With every passing day, a new technology is being released, and a new idea is being brought to life. Feeling safe is perfectly fine if you choose to work for a company and build on their dreams instead of your own. Your goal as a successful entrepreneur is to figure out how to reach your goals on a higher level personally as well as professionally.
The time is now, get uncomfortable and become successful.
Be honest with yourself in regards to your goals. What can you do to achieve a higher goal? What are you willing to go above and beyond to reach? Is financial freedom a goal that you have your sights set on? Then staying where you are will not get you to that goal any sooner then walking to Japan from Canada.Spend some time on writing down all those natural talents and gift you have and figure out a way to capitalize on it.
Not only that but also choose what it is that you love to do in life. When you base your goal on a passion, you are bound to reach above your set goal. Be realistic about your goal, and do your research when it comes to the market niche you are deciding to go into.
Begin to visit the thought of going outside of your comfort zone and how different your life will be.
Begin to focus on the tasks you are not completely comfortable doing, and begin to make that top priority. Fear is the biggest reason for failure. If you can succeed in the smaller tasks then attempting the larger ones will come easier to you. Build your confidence and then go for it, remember the adage practice makes perfect.
When you begin to build your confidence, the chances of building your business venture successfully increases dramatically. People in general are attracted to those with confidence. Confidence should not be confused with arrogance.
At first you will experience nervousness and possibly fear when stepping out of your comfort zone. The nervousness is a signal of growth in opportunity. Let your fear push you into greatness. The worse that can happen is you experience rejection, but for every ten people you approach with your idea at least one will be willing to listen and possibly get involved. Allow yourself to feel the fear, allow yourself to feel the nervousness and then do it anyways. When you allow yourself to feel those emotions then continue to do it that is the quickest way to overcome those feelings. You will never know your limitations until you try to go beyond what you believe them to be.
A few questions to ask yourself are, when will you become intentional about achieving success? How do you plan on pushing yourself outside and beyond your comfort level? What level of commitment are you willing to go to in order to maintain a constant growth as an entrepreneur?
Let your journey to discomfort begin today; do not settle for less than mediocre life just to keep up with the Jones.’ Become the Jones’ and pave the way to your success. Conquer the fear and build your confidence. Become an unstoppable force of success. Comfort will kill your desire for success, and it will become your biggest enemy on your path to successful entrepreneurship.