Believe it or not, we don’t cover every piece of tech news here at SnapMunk. In an effort to keep you apprised of all things relevant in the world of technology and startups, here are some noteworthy tech news items that didn’t get a full column this week but certainly deserve a glance.
Lots Of People Interested In Moving To Canada After Trump Win
Trump has stated that he wants to keep various minorities out of the United States. If he becomes President, he may need to enact a policy to keep people in the U.S. After his Super Tuesday victory, search engine inquiries for “How to move to Canada” were up 1,000%. I may be one of those moving to Canada.

Kanye Caught Trying To Download Software From Pirate Bay
Kanye recently made headlines after reportedly considering legal action against Pirate Bay for making it incredibly easy to pirate his newest album. He’ll probably be reconsidering his options after he was caught trying to download the music software “Serum” from Pirate Bay. Maybe there really is something to his claim that he’s $53 million in debt.

Pentagon Tells Hackers, “Come at me, bro”
In the “This Can’t End Well” category, the Pentagon has invited “vetted” security experts to test the cybersecurity of the Pentagon. Only U.S. citizens who are willing to submit a background check will be allowed to participate, which may preclude the best hackers from taking part. Pretty sure this is going to end up as a movie starring Matthew Broderick.

Trolls Could Face Criminal Charges In U.K.
Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) is telling prosecutors in England and Wales to prepare for a change in how to prosecute those who setup fake online accounts for the purpose of harassing others; trolls who use fake accounts to harass or post revenge porn could face criminal charges. I’d like to propose legislation against all the other trolls as well.
People Trading Endangered Animals On Facebook
The environmentalist group Traffic found hundreds of endangered animals for sale in Facebook groups in Malaysia. Although Facebook has said that they will not hesitate to remove such posts, environmentalists are concerned that this kind of activity will continue to grow.

LinkedIn CEO Passes On $14 Million Dollar Bonus
LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner is passing on his $14 million dollar bonus and giving it back to employees. This is probably a good move, considering that the company’s stock fell more than 40% after it released its earnings report in February. Of course, all this raises the question of why Weiner got a $14 million dollar bonus in the first place.

Educators Worried About “Cheating Watches”
Educators in the U.K. are increasingly worried about students using smartwatches specifically designed for cheating – they’re even advertised on Amazon as being specifically designed for cheating, and have gigabytes of space to store text documents and videos. Some of these watches sell for as little as $60, and often have an “emergency button” which conceals the documents under a digital watch face.

Apple Finally Launches Twitter Support Account
Falling into the “It’s About Time” category, Apple finally launched an official support account on Twitter where Apple users can Tweet for technical help, as well as learn tips and tricks. Hopefully you don’t have to have Apple Care to follow the account.
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments?