Believe it or not, we don’t cover every piece of tech news here at SnapMunk. In an effort to keep you apprised of all things relevant in the world of technology and startups, here are some noteworthy tech news items that didn’t get a full column this week but certainly deserve a glance.
Microsoft Adds QR Codes To Blue Screen Of Death
Leading in the “Ways Not To Instill Confidence” category, Microsoft is now adding QR codes to the infamous blue screen of death. These QR codes will be included in the Anniversary Update of Windows 10, which debuts later this summer. Do people still use QR codes? I suppose the people who use QR codes are probably the kind of people who want to get more details on their Windows crash.
First The Breathalyzer, Now The Textalyzer
Cellebrite, the company believed to have helped the FBI unlock the phone of the San Bernardino shooter, is said to be working on a device that would allow authorities to determine if a driver in a motor vehicle accident had been texting while driving. This is in conjunction with potential legislation in New York which would require drivers in accidents to submit their phones for analysis. Eventually this is all going to come to a head with top executives at the FBI, Cellebrite, and Apple participating in some sort of Pay-Per-View cage match.

Tesla’s New Software Includes Mario Kart Easter Egg
For the 4 of you rich enough to own a Tesla Model S or Model X, you’ll find a little Easter Egg in the latest software update. When autopilot is activated 4 times in quick succession, a rainbow road pops up on the display screen, much like the rainbow road in Mario Kart. This is cool, but Tesla cars still can’t shoot heat-seeking turtle shells. Come on Tesla, get with the game!

FBI Finds Nothing Substantial On San Bernardino Shooter Phone
The saga continues! Sort of. After paying a third party to break into the phone of the San Bernardino shooter, the FBI discovered…drum roll, please….NOTHING OF IMPORTANCE! Now the FBI is hated by the tech world and owns a really cool tool that will allow them to break into only iPhone Cs. This surely will go down in history as the most absurd tech battle to ever take place. Or maybe they’re just not telling us the whole story….

Man Accidentally Deletes Entire Company…With One Line Of Code
Heading up the “Sucks To Be That Guy” category, a man named Marco Marsala appears to have deleted his entire web hosting company along with all the websites he manages for his clients. Marsala accidentally ran an “rm – rf” command on his own computers, which in turn deleted everything, including all backups. Honestly, I feel bad for this guy. Experts are saying the odds of him recovering any data are small, which essentially means he killed his own company cause he was a little sleepy.

Music Streaming Is Boosting Vinyl Sales
Video killed the radio star, and music streaming killed CD sales. But one upside of music streaming is that vinyl sales are on the rise. A recent poll showed that people have listened to music online before they purchased the vinyl copy of that album. Of course, 48% of those people also admitted that they haven’t even listened to the album on vinyl since they bought it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is called being a poser.
AMC To Allow Texting During Films
Why AMC? WHY???? The movie theater chain, which has historically shown a no cellphone use message prior to films, is now preparing to allow texting during films. The goal? To encourage Millennials to come to theaters. Hey AMC, here’s a better idea: How about you stop charging $12 dollars per ticket for movies that will be on Netflix in a matter of months? I’m available for further consulting if you need more ideas.
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments!