Believe it or not, we don’t cover every piece of tech news here at SnapMunk. In an effort to keep you apprised of all things relevant in the world of technology and startups, here are some noteworthy tech news items that didn’t get a full column this week but certainly deserve a glance.
Anonymous Declares War On Donald Trump
The notorious hacktivist collective “Anonymous” has declared total war on Donald Trump, intending to bring down his websites and halt his presidential campaign by exposing embarrassing information. Apparently they are upset about his “inconsistent and hateful campaign”. There’s only one problem with their plan: I don’t think embarrassing information can stop Trump. His entire campaign has been an embarrassment, and he just keeps gaining momentum.
World’s First Solar Powered Airport In India
Cochin International Airport is now the world’s first solar powered airport, after having a 45 acre solar plant created on unused land near their international cargo terminal. The managers of the airport expect the cost of the project ($9.3 million) to be recovered in only 6 years due to them not having to pay any electricity bills. Other airports in India will most likely follow suit in the near future.

UberEATS Now Delivering In The U.S.
In their ongoing effort to completely rule the world, Uber has launched UberEATS in the United States. The standalone app allows users in Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, to get food delivered from a hundred or so local restaurants. The app shows how long the food will take to be delivered, and includes mapping algorithms to ensure drivers don’t pick up the food too soon or too late. Remind me: how did the world actually function before Uber?

Instagram Is Switching To An Algorithm Feed
Can we all just agree that Facebook ruins everything? Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, announced that they will soon be switching feeds from chronological to algorithmic, placing the “best” posts first. This falls squarely into the “If it worked for Facebook it must be good” category. No thanks. Is this even necessary? Look, if you’re friends are taking boring pictures, there’s a solution: unfollow them. The only upside I see here is less photos of food. Or maybe more? Ugh…
College Student 3D Prints His Own Braces.
This is either the greatest thing ever or dumbest thing ever. I’m leaning toward the former. Amos Dudley, a digital design major, straightened his own teeth with clear braces he printed with a 3D printer. Name-brand clear braces, such as Invisalign, can cost as much as $8,000. Dudley spent $60. Apparently he was able to scan his teeth and make a model using equipment at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Then he calculated exactly how much his teeth needed to move in order to be straight. This has got to go down in history as the greatest life hack ever.

Nike Unveils Power-Lacing Sneakers
Back To The Future is finally becoming a reality. Hoverboards, self-lacing sneakers, the DeLorean comeback…it’s all happening! Nike announced the release of the HyperAdapt 1.0, the first shoe to take advantage of Nike’s adaptive lacing technology. Apparently, the shoes automatically tighten as soon as you step into it. There are two buttons on the side that allow you to either tighten or loosen the shoe. The shoes will launch during the holiday 2016 season.
NSA Refused To Give Hilary Clinton A Secure Blackberry
Documents recently revealed that back in 2009, Clinton attempted to get a secure Blackberry, much like the one used by President Obama. Apparently Clinton preferred checking email on a Blackberry rather than a computer. Unfortunately, the NSA wouldn’t give Clinton a secure Blackberry, which resulted in her using her own unsecured device and email server. Honestly, I can’t get past that we’re talking about Blackberries. I didn’t even know people still remembered that word.

Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments!