Believe it or not, we don’t cover every piece of tech news here at SnapMunk. In an effort to keep you apprised of all things relevant in the world of technology and startups, here are some noteworthy tech news items that didn’t get a full column this week but certainly deserve a glance.
Netflix Tells The FCC That Data Caps Need To Go. Data caps are a sneaky way for ISPs to bilk their customers of more money. Use too much data and you get charged, a problem that is becoming increasingly problematic as everything is going streamed. Now Netflix has entered the fray, telling the FCC that data caps are a problem and need to go. Entirely. Of course, this isn’t because Netflix cares for us little people. It’s because they want more customers and more money. Still, I’d rather give my money to Netflix than Comcast.
Apple iOS 10 Bricks Some Devices. The new iOS 10 for Apple devices came out this week and immediately began causing havoc, causing some devices to “brick” (shut down and become useless). This issue is somewhat widespread, meaning you should at least back up your phone before you update to the new iOS. Maybe this is Apple’s way of forcing people to upgrade their phones. “Oh, your phone doesn’t work? Sorry about that. Maybe you should get a new one.” If not, it’s definitely their most exciting new feature in years.

Baby Gorilla Gets Named “Harambe McHarambeface” By The Internet. This is why the internet is the best. Or the worst. Mostly the best. After a zoo decided to let the internet name one of its baby gorillas (which may be the worst idea ever conceived), the internet responded by choosing, “Harambe McHarambeface.” Rumor has it that the contest was hijacked by pranksters, which is exactly what any sane person would expect to happen in such a contest. Note to self: never let the internet name anything you care about. Or anything you don’t want to be named something hilarious.

AdBlock Plus Now Sells Ads Because…They’re Hypocrites? AdBlock Plus, which makes a popular ad-blocking browser extension is building an ad marketplace from which websites can choose “acceptable” ads that will be shown to visitors who have the AdBlock extension enabled. So even though AdBlock supposedly blocks ads, they will now be specializing in showing more “acceptable” ads. Curses upon you AdBlock! I believed in you!

FBI Director Tells Everyone To Cover Their Webcams. This is probably good advice. The FBI has recommended that everyone cover their webcams to ensure that hackers don’t spy on you and then blackmail you. Generally speaking, when something becomes so problematic that the FBI gets involved, you might want to pay attention.

NYC Shuts Down Their Free Internet Kiosks Because Of The Hordes Of Homeless. The tablets within the free internet kiosks around NYC are having their internet access revoked because homeless people have been crowding in front of them for hours, often watching porn. The kiosks still provide free high-speed wifi, but the tablets can only be used for 911 access and Google Maps. Honest question: WHAT DID THEY THINK WOULD HAPPEN WITH THESE TABLETS?!?! Seems like they should’ve seen this one coming (ew, pun not intended).

Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments!